black and white photograph, C 1920

Historical information

Phyllis May Waller was born Orbost in 1912. Her father-was Frank Hale Waller and her mother -Sarah Elizabeth Clancy.
Phyllis married Clive Howell Crawford Pasco in 1934 (Clive was born 1908 at Prahran, and died in 1971 at South Melbourne).
"The 19th of March 1886 proved an important day in the lives of many early settlers in the Orbost area, because on this day the Orbost State School opened. The fact that the school had first operated tem­porarily in a leased building, and on a half-time basis with SS2745 Jarrahmond, did not dampen the enthusiasm of the local inhabitants as they saw their offspring commence their education under the guidance of HT Campbell Mackay. However he remained in charge only until 12th of May 1886. The second HT, John Rowe, served until 1908. On 30th of June 1887, a portable room was provided; it being brought to the area by schooner. The school now had accommodation for 30 pupils; the teacher's welfare was considered because quarters of two rooms were attached. As the population increased so did the needs of the school. This was reflected in the provision of a larger classroom in 1898. During 1910-11 the first approaches were made to the Department for the establishment of a HES in Orbost and this became a reality in 1912. Orbost HES supplied post-primary education in the district until a high school was built in 1948.

When fire destroyed the school in 1941 local halls were used as classrooms until a new school was built. Work was quite rapid and a new brick structure was opened by the Hon. A. E. Lind, MLA, on 13th of February 1942. This new building was a fine type of school of which both the pupils and the HT Leslie Collins were indeed proud. But Orbost continued to develop and the new school was soon over­taxed. This resulted in the erection of two Bristol classrooms in 1947. By 1950, when the school population had reached 500 pupils the opening of the new school at Orbost North was welcomed by all concerned. In 1963 the Department purchased land diagonally opposite the school and developed it as a playing area. In 1965 two LTCs were opened in November, and in October 1968 the Brodribb School building was moved to SS2744 Orbost for use as a general purpose room."


This item is associated with the history of education in Orbost. It is also associated with the Waller family, early settlers in Orbost.

Physical description

A black / white photograph on grey card. Against a wooden building are four rows of young children. The front row of the youngest children is sitting with crossed legs.The back three rows are tiered. the children appear to be dressed in their best clothes with many of the boys wearing ties.
There is a photographer's label at the bottom.

Inscriptions & markings

on back written by older son -"Orbost State School Approx. 1920 Mum (Phyllis May Waller) 6th from left 2nd back row"

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