Historical information

This is volume 1 of 45 held in the library at Hymettus cottage and bound in covers as a book, one of three volumes incorporating every edition in the series.. Life Australia was produced at Melbourne Victoria in 1967 and ran to 45 volumes when closed by the parent company in the USA in 1968. Although very American in the views espoused it was a significant step in attempting to produce a magazine of international focus in Australia. The brief period was also significant in Australia and the magazine covered events such as the Beatles visit to Australia, the seven day war in Israel, the conflict in Vietnam and the drowning of Prime Minister Harold Holt.


The magazine, Life, was cosmopolitan and sophisticated in the USA and the Australian edition was identical in format, although fussing on local perspectives. it concentrated on serious current affairs and more profound cultural and political analysis, as well as a strong focus on fashion, lifestyle and nature. It was known for its striking front covers and high quality, stylized photography. and the local product lasted through 1967-68 producing 45 editions before ceasing and reverting to the International product.