Historical information

BRL RADIAC Calculator No. 1 (ca 1952-1956)

The RADIAC Calculator No. 1 was produced by Blundell Rules Limited of Luton England. Since it is based on the Radiation Dosage Calculator designed by William Orr in 1951, and since the company moved to Weymouth in 1956, it is safe to say that it probably dates from 1952-1956. It works as follows: if the exposure rate (roentgens/hr) is known at a given time after a nuclear explosion, the calculator predicts the exposure rate at any other time. It also estimates the dose to personnel who are in the area at specified periods of time after the explosion.

Physical description

Radiation dosage calculator, circular slide rule and leather pouch

Inscriptions & markings

Slide Rule Ref No. 665-99-911-0060 Pouch : Calculators Radiac No.1. 665-99-911-0117.
