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Five newspaper articles about the filming of Ned Kelly in Clunes in 2002
Inscriptions & markings
The day the Kelly gang came to town
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© Copyright of The Age
© Digital reproduction copyright of The Age Saturday March 2, 2003
Liz Minchin
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Hollywood give Clunes a history lesson
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© Copyright of The Age
© Digital reproduction copyright of The Age Monday, May 27, 2002
Fergus Shiel
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Town joins Kelly country
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© Copyright of The Age
© Digital reproduction copyright of Herald Sun, Saturday May 25 2002
Kathleen Cuthbertson
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Kelly raids gold town
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© Copyright of The Age
© Digital reproduction copyright of Herald Sun, Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Luke Dennehy
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Ned Kelly rides again
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© Copyright of The Age
© Digital reproduction copyright of Herald Sun Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Picture: Mark Smith
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Five newspaper articles about the filming of Ned Kelly in Clunes in 2002