Physical description
Architectural drawings on heavy card.
.1 - Parallel of the Corinthian Order
.2 - Greek Ionic order of Eleusis
.3 - Parallel of the Greek Doric Order - plate 2
.4 - The compsite order of Palladio - plate 20
.5 - Ionic order of the theatre og Marcellus Rome - plate 8
.6 - Parallel of the orders - plate 23
.7 - The Ionic order of the Vignoles - plate 10
.8 - Roman ornament in relief - plate 25
.9 - Choragic Monument of Lysierates - plate 13
.10 - Doric Order of Virginia
.11 Selling out of the ionic volute
.12 - Parallel of the Greek Ionic Order - plate 6
.12 - Building Construction = plate 33
.13 - Parallel of the Greek IOnic Order - plate 16