Historical information

This is a photocopy of the original report. The report is headed "Council of Agricultural Education, Victoria". At this time the Burnley School of Horticulture was under the aegis of the Council of Agricultural Education.

Physical description

Photocopy of Annual Report by C. Bogue Luffmann, 2 copies Annual Report, an examination paper and essays on horticultural subjects by C. Bogue Luffmann and several students.
It is 39 pages, contains an annual report, an examination paper and essays on horticultural subjects, by C Bogue Luffmann and also by several students.
These essays include:
The prospectus of commercial fruit growing in Victoria - C Bogue Luffmann - principal
The economy of design in fruit trees - C Bogue Luffmann
How to choose, prepare and maintain fertility in orchard and garden soil - Tessa Smith - 1st year student
Villa Gardening - Marian W Thompson - 1st year student
Lemon culture - Florence Jacomb - 1st year student - and MW Thompson
An examination paper - FJ Wilmoth - 1st year student
Appendix: Select list of 12 leading fruits suitable for local and export markets