Photograph - Black and white print, Photographic Unit Media Services Branch, Victorian Department of Agriculture, Plant Identification, 1981

Historical information

This photograph was used as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p126.

Physical description

Black and white photograph. Geoff Olive, Horticultural Instructor, with students, Kent Stannard, Patrick Shaw and Martin Whysall. 1981. Looking at plants in the Ornamental Garden.

Inscriptions & markings

On reverse, "Plant Identification - a vital necessity for horticulturalists" and "James J.P. Pleasance Victorian College of Agriculture & Horticulture - Burnley, Burnley Gardens Swan St., Richmond Vic. 3121" and "Photographic Unit Media Services Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref. No. 1981 (914-31)."

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