Historical information

Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p96 with the caption, "Sojourns provided students with the opportunity to broaden their experience: here they are examining furrow irrigation, probably at Tatura Research Station, 1960." Note by T.H. Kneen 8 July 1992, "It is worth noting that the sojourns at Mildura & Tatura were incorporated into the training programme to utilize the Department of Agriculture resources at these centres. The College was also expected to use the resources of the Scoresby H.R.S. The sojourns at M & T were initially of 2 weeks duration. The purpose of the the sojourns was to strengthen the fruit (and vegetable) industry components of the new Diploma course established 1958."

Physical description

Colour photograph. Sojourn at Tatura Research Station. 4 students walking through an orchard examining furrow irrigation.

Inscriptions & markings

On reverse, "Kodak Colour Print June 1960."