Photograph - Black and white photographs, Grafting and Cutting Display

Physical description

Photographs of various sizes pasted on cardboard for display purposes. Some annotated. (1)Rose with 4 pieces cut off it. (2)"Citrus rootstock in nursery ready for budding." (3) "Feb. Left. Healthy budstick of current season's growth. Right. Prepared budstick, foliage and undeveloped buds removed, short section of leaf-stick reatined." (4) Same as (3). (5)"Harvest scions while dormant and store in moist, well-drained soil." (6) "Whip-tongue graft after one season of growth." (7) "Graft after one season of growth." (8) "Mastic applied to keep air and moisture from the cut surfaces." (9) "Graft tied to prevent movement." (10) "Young camellia-struck cutting." (11) Cutting beside pot. (12) "Feb. Same pot camellia struck." (13) Clump of dug-up perennials. (14) Divided piece. (15) Trimmed. (16) "April. Seedling Polyanthus." (17) Cuttings. (18) Clump of rooted cuttings. (19) Trimming rooted cutting. (20) Clump of Begonia. (21) Dividing Begonia. (22) Begonia leaf cut into pieces. (23) Rooted cuttings from leaf. (24) Putting leaf pieces in pot. (25) Pot of rooted cuttings. (26) Lupin seedlings emerging. (27) Lupin seedlings. (28) Clump of roots? From A. W. Jessep.

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