Physical description
21 envelopes marked Department of Agriculture (Vic), 1 empty. Black and white photographs and most negatives. All labelled, mainly flowers and plants. (1) Neg. only, 'Lupinus'.' (2) 'Iris fulva B/G 23/10/61.' (3) 'Iris pseudacorus.' (4) 'Muscari plumosum B/G 23/10/61.' (5) 2 copies 'Erythrinum.' (6) 'Iris sibirica B.G. 23/10/61.' (7) 3 Neg. and 4 photographs 'Green, Variegated Agave.' 'Ref to Mr. Littlejohn.' (8) 'Pebble Mulch,' 'Rock Mulching Rock from Apollo Bay Mentone 23/10/61 ₤22.' (9) 'Gazania B.G. 23/10/61.' (10) Neg. only 'Grevillea hookeriana.' (11) Photograph only 'Hibiscus.' (12) 'Euphorbia Crown of Thorns BG 23/10/61.' 'Euphorbia splendens.' (13) 2 copies 'Greyia sutherlandii 23/10/61.' (14) 3 copies 'Aeonium Grouped with other succulents including Bryophyllum, Dickia, Echevera' 'Jan Jul '62 Photo E.G. Littlejohn.' (15) 'Agave Agave-variegated in tub.' (16) 'Lathyrus odoratus' '(Sweet Pea) on support B.G. 23/10/61.' (17) 'Pelargonium' B/G 23.10.61.' (18) 'Pelargonium.' (19) 'Callistemon coccineus.' 'Return to Mr. Littlejohn Burnley Gardens.' (20) 3 copies 'Aloe.' 'Return to Mr. Littlejohn Aloe.'