Photograph, Scar Trees in Lubeck

Historical information

Scar Trees – Lubeck.
Five photos of Scar trees on the property of Bill Kinsella near Lubeck. The double sided Canoe tree was removed to a park in Horsham on a low loader in 1997.
The five photos are spread over 3 photo albums.
Album 10 p33 (270) has 1 colour photo of a scar tree, this photo is tree as in Album 24 p30 (bottom right) but a different view.
Album 14 p87 has 2 photos (270.1 & 270.1a) the one on the right is the same as the top one in Album 24 p30. This is possible a scar of a boomerang or coolamon as cut to incorporate the root of the tree.

Physical description

Colour photos of Scar trees, some taken in a paddock.


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