Historical information

Photograph of children in classroom. State School 502 3rd. Babies 1930 Teacher Miss Matheson. Joan Vagg 1930 3rd Babies written on back.
Listed Students
Front Row R/L - Norma Chapman, George Holloway, Jock Hill, Unknown, Unknown.
Second Row - Miriam Colquhoun, Betty Wells, Venus Floyd, Audrey Roeby, Unknown, Allan Bell?, Gray?, Unknown, Unknown.
Third Row - Ron? Byron, Alan Storer, Betty Chapman, Nina Lea, Dorothy Whiteside, Mavis Darker, Smith?, Unknown, Unknown.
Fourth Row - Judy Campbell, Lesley Dalkin, Unknown, Shuttleworth?, Unknown, Valda Evers, Joyce Miller, Unknown.
Fifth Row - Pauline Datson?, Dorothy Kingston, Smith?, Stan Anyon, Unknown, Paisley Bradley, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown.
TEACHER Miss Matheson
This photograph came from the Vagg family.
Joan Vagg Died October 1932 - 7 years.
Presumed she must be one of the girls.

Physical description

Students seated behind benches in Classroom with teacher.

Inscriptions & markings

Joan Vagg 1930
3rd Babies