Historical information
Upper Main Street east of Patrick street, looking East c 1867 with Big Hill Mining in Background.
J McGee's Shamrock Hotel. Jennings Western Turf Hotel. R Lorimer & Co. Photo c 1867
McGees Shamrock Hotel centre. R. Williams Dining Rooms,.
Jennings's Western Turf Hotel situated in upper Main Street (Opposite Monaghan's Estate Office) Mr. George Jennings was proprietor until the late 1860's when he went to live at "Mayo Park" Lubek. The Hotel had Various owners until it was delicensed in 1909 and became a boarding house. It was demolished in 1921.
R. Lorimer & Co general Store near corner of Patrick Street.
Physical description
Streetscape of South Side of Main Street East of Patrick Street. Two wagons in street.
Showing J. McGees Shamrock Hotel, R Williams Dining Rooms, Jennings's Western Turf Hotel and R. Lorimer & Co.
Mine Engine Chimney is on left of photo. Big Hill in Background with Waterloo Reef Company Whim at centre.