Book, Hugh McGrae, Georgiana’s Journal as edited by Hugh Mc Crae, 1934

Historical information

This Journal written by Georgina Mc Crae Melbourne 1841 - 1865. The Painting on the cover is a self Portrait.
A very Interesting account of Victoria's early History.

Physical description

A white coverd paperback - Top in white print in black background Imprint Classics. Georgina's Journal in Pink Print. In Central cover In an oval inset a Colored Portrait of Georgina Mc Crae. Below Portrait Melbourne 1841 - 1865. Edited By Hugh Mc Crae.

Inscriptions & markings

Inscription on Fly Leaf: Hand written. To The Stawell Historical Society - To Honor the memory of John McClure. REfer Pages 87 - 154. 178. 192. 198.234. Note John Mc Clure is Intered Deep Lead Cemetery 1859.

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