Photograph, Telegraph Office Pleasant Creek Stawell 1866

Historical information

Telegraph Office Pleasant Creek Stawell. Part of a collection of Photographs by Mr. O.G. Armstrong as commissioned by the Shire of Stawell for the Inter-colonial and Paris Exhibition in Melbourne in 1866.

The first post was office was erected at Commercial Street, Pleasant Creek in the goldfields, in June 1858, by J Harding and was a portable one.
In October 1860 the first permanent Telegraph Office was erected by Cormick and Irvine for £329.
In the same month the Post Office was removed from Commercial St in the Goldfields to the rear of the Telegraph office in Stawell.
In February 1862 Edmond Johnson was appointed manager of Electrical Telegraph, Collector of Imposts and acting Postmaster.
This building was later used as a private dwelling. It is situated in Lesley Street at the rear of the Pleasant Creek Courthouse although the right-hand wing has been removed.


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