Photograph, "Schoolers" Homestead at Lake Lonsdale 1866

Historical information

Schoolers Homestead Lake Lonsdale. Part of a collection of Photographs by Mr. O.G. Armstrong as commissioned by the Shire of Stawell for the Inter-colonial and Paris Exhibition in Melbourne in 1866.
Similar Photo Scoullar station Rosehill Cat No 3888
G.F. Scoullar originally from Canada, according to W.G. Sharply in his 1930 Stawell Borough History, was a member of the Stawell Shire Council 1870-1888 and president 1875-1876. Maynard Ord in Stawell Past and Present says G.F. Scoullar, M. Brinkman and one other, took up small pieces of land fronting Lake Lonsdale. The owners of the Squatting Run, presumably Ledcourt, charged them with illegal occupation. They were heavily fined at Pleasant Creek Court, or in default gaol. As they could not afford the fine, some friends raise the money. Note re the spelling of ‘Schooler’. Variations in local records are ‘Schoullar’ and ‘Scoullar’.

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