Book, Garrie Hutchinson, Remember Them, A Guide to Victoria's Wartime Heritage - Previously Cat No 3630, 2009

Historical information

Behind each of the thousands of War Memorials in Victoria is a story of courage and sacrifice, of devotion to duty, and of a family's terrible loss. This detailed guidebook brings to life some of the stories of Victoria's Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Nurses, providing a unique insight into our wartime heritage, from colonial times to the present day.


This book was funded by the Victorian State Government & produced by the Veteran's Unit. Dept of Planning and Community Development.

Physical description

Dust Jacket: Colour Photograph of A Statue of a soldier with the Rising Sun Emblem on the lapel. Red Hard cover with withe print on spine

Inscriptions & markings

A Guide to Victoria's Wartime Heritage REMBER THEM


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