Functional object - Two Clear Glass Water Containers used in Railway Passenger Trains c. 1900s

Historical information

The two glass water containers/bottles are thought to have been used in railway passenger trains in the c. 1900s.

The Wodonga train line and train station opened in November 1873 when the section of the line from Wangaratta to Wodonga was completed. The expansion of Victorian Railways to the northeast of Victoria occurred after the Victorian Government took over the railways in 1867 and the trains serviced large towns such as Seymour, Wangaratta and Wodonga, as well as smaller towns along the way.


The two glass water containers/bottles have historic significance as examples of the equipment used in passenger trains in Australia in the c. 1900s.

Physical description

Two clear glass water containers/bottles with a narrow neck and flaring body, which were used in railway passenger trains c. 1900s. The slightly taller water container/bottle has a metal chain around the neck.

Inscriptions & markings

" c / NSW / TD" on the base of the taller water container.

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