Book, The Vagabond Papers, 1877

Historical information

As the title states this book provides sketches of Melbourne life in light and shade. It was written in 1877 and published by George Robertson . It is one of a series and this edition covers the following: A night in the model lodging -House, A day in the Immigrants' Home, A morning at the Hospital, Three days in the Benevolent Asylum, Our Lunatic Asylums, Sixpenny restaurants and The Theatre Vestibules. Throughout all he comments on the social situations and dilemmas in which he finds himself and which others must endure.


The Vagabond Papers provides a valuable record of life in Melbourne in the 1870's. It is not always the view of Melbourne as a prosperous and developing city which is presented but it is experienced first hand by the author to which he also imparts social commentary on the many difficult situations.

Physical description

Small faded hard covered book with black text. Contains 205 pages with advertisements on front and back covers.

Inscriptions & markings

Reprinted from the Argus corrected and revised by the author. Dedicated to the Conductors of the Argus in recognition of many private and professional Kindnesses.

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