Historical information

Geoff Lyons worked initially as a storeman for SECV on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme and later possibly as a linesman on the transmission lines from Mt Beauty to Melbourne.


A social history of working in the north east on a construction site. Geoff worked with European migrants in his youth and describes his life as a young man - an interesting comparison to life in the 2020s.

Physical description

4 Books with coloured (2 tones) cardboard cover with hard plastic attached. 1 and 2 books are bound by white plastic strips 3 and 4 are bound with white tape.
1. 1951-52 with 150 pages; 2. 1952-53 with 130 pages; 3. 1954-55 with 101 pages; 4. 1955-56 with 122 pages.

Inscriptions & markings

All 4 books have "To Colin & Lyn Maxwell from Joy and Geoff Lyons" handwritten on the first page.