Map - Cattlemen from Kiewa Valley

Historical information

Cattle grazing on the Bogong High Plains occurred on most summers since the 1840s. The families were farmers from the Kiewa Valley. The 2003 fires interrupted this tradition which was discontinued altogether in 2005 for environmental reasons. This tradition is still controversial.


History of Cattle grazing on the Bogong High Plains and farming in the Kiewa Valley and the families that lived there.

Physical description

Photocopied topographical map of part of the Alpine National Park showing 11 families areas for cattle grazing. Dated 1991/92 up to 2003 fires.

Inscriptions & markings

91/92 Until fires in 2003
Families names have been added in blue texta. They are: 'Kelly, Faithful, Weston Briggs, Ryder, Cooper, Blair, Roper, Maddison, Fitzgeralds, Hicks.'

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