Historical information

Frederick James Baxter enlisted in the AIF on 22.2.1916 age 23 years as a L/Cpl in B Coy 38th Bn No 708. Embarked for England on 20.6.1916, Hospital at sea with Influenza 7.7.1916 then Bronchitis 31.7.1916, returned to unit 2.8.1916, promoted Sgt 25.9.1916, embark for France 22.11.1916, promoted to CSM 13.1.1917, promoted to 2nd Lieutenant 17.5.1917, Hospital 23.8.1917 with Haemorrhoids, rejoin unit 8.9.1917, promoted to Lieutenant 13.9.1917, Hospital with Debility 28.11.1917, rejoin unit 5.12.1917, to England 31.12.1917 re Musketry and Lewis Gun school, rejoin unit 1.7.1918, during the Great offensive on the 10th/12th and 31st August 1918 he is awarded the Military Cross and Bar to the MC, within a few days he is hospitalised in England with Aneurism on 2.9.1918. Proceed to return to Australia 4.12.1918, disembark Melb 15.1.1919, appointment terminated in the AIF 22.2.1919. He passes away on 19.6.1921 age 28 years.
Pre war he had 3 years in the 9th A.L.H.

Physical description

Set of three court mounted medals.
1. Military Cross with Bar, replica not engraved.
2. British War medal 1914 - 19, original.
3. Victory Medal, replica not engraved.

Inscriptions & markings

