Historical information

The Baranduda and District School Sports Association held its first interschool sporting competition in 1936. Schools included in this association were Allan’s Flat, Bonegilla, Baranduda, Leneva, Mitta Junction, Staghorn Flat and Wodonga West. This commemorative trophy, The Thomas Chubb Shield, was donated to the Sports Association by Mr. Albert John Chubb, in memory of his father. Mr. Thomas Chubb was a successful businessman in Albury and an active supporter of many institutions and community organisations in the Albury Wodonga area. Mr. Albert Chubb actively supported school sports carnivals across the district, including being the official starter at many events.


This trophy has local social and cultural significance as it provides evidence of sporting and social interaction between the small schools in the Wodonga and surrounding communities,

Physical description

A wooden shield presented to recognise winners of the Baranduda and District School Sports Association from 1936 to 1949. A metal hanger is attached to the top.

Inscriptions & markings

On top metal banner "THE THOMAS CHUBB SHIELD" . On central shield "BARANDUDA /AND/DISTRICT/ SCHOOLS/ SPORTS ASSN. On small shields from top to bottom, "LENEVA 1936/ BONEGILLA 1939/ LENEVA 1941/ LENEVA 1949/ LENEVA 1948/ LENEVA 1947/ ALLANS FLAT 1940/ MITTA JUNCTION 1937"