Historical information

This hand groover is sometimes called a seamer, grooving iron, punch or fuller. It would have been used by a metal smith, such as a blacksmith, tinsmith or sheet metal worker. It is used to join two edges of metal. The smith overlaps the edges of the metal, then places the tool on top and beats it with a hammer on the top, forcing the metal into the tool's groove, which joins the metal. The device would be moved along the edges to complete the seam. The same tool could give a decorative finish to an artisan's work.


This hand groover is sometimes called a seamer, grooving iron, punch or fuller. It would have been used by a metal smith, such as a blacksmith, tinsmith or sheet metal worker. It is used to join two edges of metal. The smith overlaps the edges of the metal, then places the tool on top and beats it with a hammer on the top, forcing the metal into the tool's groove, which joins the metal. The device would be moved along the edges to complete the seam. The same tool could give a decorative finish to an artisan's work.

Physical description

Tool: a fuller, used to form a groove in heated iron. It is also referred to as a groover, seamer or fuller punch. Hand tool with round handle, flat round top and indented rectangular base. Base has grooves on long edges.