Historical information

Sweet Trip won the Bendigo Pacing Cup on the 11 January 1966, followed by Fosmar and Macaree.

Sweet Trip owned by I & K McLean, was trained and driven by BK Coram.


Sweet Trip raced from 1963 (3YO) through to 1967 then raced in US from 1968 until 1969 (9YO). Career: 18 wins 34 seconds 19 thirds 140 starts.

Physical description

Two colour photographs, one small one large in a white frame.

Inscriptions & markings

At the top: Bendigo Trotting Club 11-1-66/ Pacing Cup

At the bottom:

Left corner: Distance 2600 metres/ Mile rate 2.7-1/5 / Greg Matthews Photo

Centre: Sweet Trip (Ribands - Graceful Spring) / Fosmar 2nd / Macaree 3rd

Right corner: Owned by- I & K McLean/ Trained and driven by - BK Coram