Historical information

Irish-born John Murray and his wife Mary (daughter of Thomas Sweeney) married in 1849 and settled in Eltham North. John and Mary were amongst the earliest inhabitants of Eltham. John was a farmer and their block of about 80 acres, called ‘Laurel Hill’, was on the eastern side of the Diamond Creek, extending east to beyond Zig Zag Road. It was later extended southward by the purchase of a further 60 acres. He is recorded as a supporter on the petition for a school in Eltham and he served on the National School Board of the Eltham school.

John died in 1867 and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with Mary and with two of their grandchildren.

Their eldest son Johnnie inherited the property. Then in about 1902 his younger brother James purchased about 50 acres on the western side of the Diamond Creek immediately opposite Laurel Hill, extending west to slightly past Wattletree Road. Eltham North Reserve now lies just beyond the southern boundary. James built a family home on top of the hill on the northern boundary, together with a dairy and milking shed and a food cellar. It is thought that the barn with stables was already there. When Johnnie died in 1912, the two properties (though severed by both the creek and the railway line) effectively merged. The land was worked as an orchard with apples, pears, quinces, and possibly apricots and peaches. Later it became a dairy farm.

By 1986, almost all the land had been sold off for residential subdivision and the house had been condemned as unfit for habitation. John's grandson Jim retained a small portion of the land and built a new house. He kept the old one as a storage shed, but it was demolished after he died in 1993. The very old barn is still standing.

Located in the Roman Catholic section
In Memory of
John Murray
Who died Dec. 1867 aged 50 years
Also his wife
Mary Murray
Who died 7th Sep. 1909 aged 76 years
And of their grandchildren Thomas and Mary Ellen Drain

Physical description

Born Digital