Historical information

Gordon Ford was a conservationist and a pioneer of natural-style landscaping. He came to Eltham in 1948 and bought a block of land in John Street extending through to Pitt Street. Artist Peter Glass lived opposite in John Street.

Early on, Gordon worked for Alistair Knox on construction of the mudbrick Busst house amongst others. At the same time, with the help of friends including artist Clifton Pugh, he progressively built his own house ‘Fülling’, which "grew like Topsy" utilising a variety of second-hand materials.

His main focus, which became his life-long occupation, was garden landscaping. Inspired by Edna Walling and Ellis Stones, he sought to reflect the bush settings of rural Victoria where he had grown up. Commissions included Monash University and countless industrial sites but designing for the archetypal quarter-acre block gave him the most satisfaction. He had a huge impact on the look of gardens in Australia from the 1950s, creating seemingly natural bush environments by carefully integrating indigenous and exotic plantings.

Gordon died in 1999 and is buried in Eltham Cemetery; the gravesite is marked by a plaque. Another plaque (away from his grave) notes his landscaping design work within the cemetery grounds and at Alistair Knox Park.

Gordon Craig Ford
Landscape Designer
30. 8 .1918 - 16. 6. 1999
Eltham Cemetery Trustee fom 1987 - 1999
Gordon settled in Eltham in 1948
He was a conservationist and a pioneer of natural style landscaping, continuing design and construction until his death.
His local work and influence can be seen in many private gardens, the Eltham Cemetery and the Alistair Knox Park.

Physical description

Born Digital