Historical information

The Masons patent of Nov 30th, 1858 phrase was originally embossed on countless glass fruit jars and canning jars, most ranging in age from circa 1858 to the mid-1910s.
John Landis Mason was awarded patent No 22186, issued on November 30, 1858, by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office it was termed an "Improvement in screw-neck bottles", for his invention concerning the process of creating a threaded screw-type closure on bottles and jars. Similar screw-threading had been done before on some bottles, but the process of forming the upper lip area of the container so that it was smooth, even, and sturdy enough for a lid of standard size to be screwed thereon was difficult and expensive to do properly, often with unsatisfactory results. His improvement revolutionized home canning in the United States and many other countries.
In any case, throughout the next 60-odd years, production of jars with the Nov. 30, 1858 embossing continued at a high rate, with untold tens of millions being produced. The phrase was soon considered an important marketing device, adding to the perception of quality and reliability of the container to the average consumer. This perception continued to at least 1879 21 years after the patent was issued, nearly every glass bottle factory was likely producing their version. The 1880s and 1890s likely saw the peak of popularity of these jars. A considerable percentage have a mold number or letter on the base, a means of identifying the particular mold in use at the factory.


An early item used in most kitchens by women who preserved fruit and vegetables before the arrival of refrigeration giving a snapshot into the domestic lives of families during the late 19th to early 20th century's and how they preserved food for later use without refrigeration.

Physical description

Preserving glass jar. Glass lip with metal screw top lid. Inscription pressed into glass.

Inscriptions & markings

"Mason's Patent Nov 30th 1858"