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Ludwig Leichhardt (1813 -1848) is known as one of the most individualistic of Australian explorers. This is the first substantial account of his life and work, based on his diaries, logs and field books. Leichhardt's accomplishments have been uncarefully handled by many researchers and much hearsay and supposition has marred the record of the explorer's life. Not assisting in these efforts is the fact that his journals and logbooks were all written in the Gothic form of the German language and have been largely indecipherable and, in places, open to misinterpretation. With the publication of this volume, the story has been set straight. Using unprecedented access to Leichhardt's writings, including his personal correspondence, the author throws new light upon the scandals and defamations which historians - many with vested interests - have heaped upon him. It also includes Leichhardt’s observations of Aboriginal culture round Durundur Station; references to meetings with groups by 1844-1845 expedition to Port Essington; predominantly friendly relations with tribes; instruction in bush foods and medicines; Koko-Pera attack; appendix includes table of Tribal areas traversed 1844-5.