Historical information

Stories from the 39th Battalion 1941-43, Kokoda to Gona.
70th Anniversary Edition of the Kokoda Track operations, WWII.

Physical description

Hard cover book with dust cover (dust cover same as book).
Hard cover - cardboard with dark green glossy coloured background. White and gold print on front, spine and back.
Front - illustrated black and green toned photograph of 2 soldiers in uniform in jungle.
Back - black and white photograph of 7 soldiers. Brown over red oval colour patch front and back.
Front and back flyleaf and end papers illustrated dark green and white maps.
320 pages, cut, plain, white. Illustrated black and white photographs, portraits, documents and maps.

Inscriptions & markings

Opposite Title Page - printed donation label - "Donated by 39th Australian Infantry Battalion (1941 - 43) Association Inc. www.39battalion.com”
