Painting, Ronald Edwards-Pepper, 2020

Historical information


Ronald Edwards Pepper is the grandson of Dulcie (Dolly) Mullet and Watson Pepper, Ronald’s family moved to Morwell in the 1960s from Lake Tyers Mission. He graduated from Federation University with a Bachelor of Visual and Media Arts in 2017, and has completed several commissions and participated in numerous exhibitions, in Australia and overseas.

Artist Ronald Edwards-Pepper is keen to express himself through painting and telling stories of his Gunai/Kurnai ancestors. "My nanna and her stories have been part of my life, and who I have become today, and this influences my artworks. My grand-parents are Dolly Mullet & Watson Pepper. They came from Lake Tyers Mission and moved to Morwell in the 1960s with their mob of kids. Now this is the family home."

2013-2017 - Bachelor of Visual & Media Arts/Federation University.
2010 - Trainee Mentor in Education (Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell)
2008 - Certificate III in Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander in Languages
2007 - Traineeships, Young Ambassador at the Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell
2006 - Completed & Graduated - Awarded 'Student of the Year’
2005 - Certificate IV ATSI Cultural Arts, TAFE Mid-valley Campus Gippsland
2003 - Certificate 4 in Aboriginal and Torres Strait lslander Art & Design, TAFE Mid-valley Campus, Gippsland
2002 - Certificate 3 in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art & Design, TAFE Mid-valley Campus, Gippsland

Inscriptions & markings

Signed verso "R.Edwards"

Mounting & framing

Stretched canvas


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