Historical information

This set of photos is from a leather bound album bearing the inscription "HUME RESERVOIR AUSTRALIA" plus 'The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M .P.' all inscribed in gold. It was presented to The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M. P, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs on the occasion of his visit to the Hume Reservoir on 2nd November 1927.


This album is of local and national significance as it documents the planning and development of the Hume Reservoir up to 1927. It was the largest water reservoir in the British Empire. The album records the pioneering engineering work that went into its construction.

Physical description

20. Section of completed coffer dam with river diverted over the concrete foundations of dam that were placed during the first stage of operations. New South Wales. January 1927.

Cofferdams are temporary structures used where construction is being carried out in areas submerged in water. They are most commonly used to facilitate the construction or repair of dams, piers and bridges. To divert the river, a Coffer Dam was built across the old bed above and below the Dam site and tying into the end of the concrete wall built inside the levee bank. This completely surrounded the remainder of the site of the Dam and south wing wall, including an area of 12½ acres.