Historical information

This set of photos is from a leather bound album bearing the inscription "HUME RESERVOIR AUSTRALIA" plus 'The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M .P.' all inscribed in gold. It was presented to The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M. P, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs on the occasion of his visit to the Hume Reservoir on 2nd November 1927.


This album is of local and national significance as it documents the planning and development of the Hume Reservoir up to 1927. It was the largest water reservoir in the British Empire. The album records the pioneering engineering work that went into its construction.

Physical description

37. Bethanga Bridge Site. A bridge is being built to cross the Reservoir to serve a large area of country which will be cut off from its natural outlets by the submergence of existing bridges when the Reservoir is in being. The site of the bridge is nearly a mile up the Murray from the Hume Reservoir Quarry. Its length will be approximately half a mile. There will be nine spans of 269 feet with steel truss girders resting on concrete pillars. Some of the pillars are founded on rock while others will rest on nests of reinforced concrete piles. The foundations and concrete piers are in the hands of the Victorian Constructing Authority and the superstructure in those of the New South Wales Authority. August 1927.