Physical description

Single page advertisement with black and white photographs of two adjoining timber villas fronting Albert Street and Thanet Street, Ringwood for auction on Saturday, 7th May (1921?).

Inscriptions & markings

Under instructions from E.W. Smail, esq., Public Accountant, 31 Queen Street, Melbourne. Two well constructed timer villas, each containing 5 rooms, electric light, bath and laundry, good position, land to each 66ft x 258 ft., made road. These well-built homes, so nicely situated in this charming district, only 6 minuts to Ringwood Station, Churhes, Shops, etc., are for positive sale, and are specially suitable for homes and in estments. Terms at sale. J.C. Adams & Son, Auctioneer, 364 Burke Road, Camberwell. J.B. McAlpin, Ringwood, Local Agent.