Document, Villa Alba Museum Archaeological Test Excavations, 2002

Physical description

Contents: Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / List of figures / List of tables / List of plates / Introduction / Historical context / Methodology / Results and interpretations / Discussion / Recommendations / References / Appendix 1 - Plates / Appendix 2 - Content list / Appendix 3 - Copy of Heritage Victoria permit.

Publication type



A preliminary report on archaeological test excavations, conducted on 5 & 7 September 2002 by Maddy Atkinson (Ripple Arc). The purpose of the excavations was twofold. Firstly, to conduct subsurface testing at Villa Alba to determine the presence, location and depth below ground of archaeological remains relating to a number of landscape features identified in historical plans, photographs, survey field books and aerial photographs. Secondly, soils surrounding the Villa Alba mansion, which have been found to be contaminated with lead will need to be removed up to a depth of up to 0.6 metres. Removal of deposits from the site may have an adverse impact on any archaeological remains existing below the surface.

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