Historical information

The Eltham Cemetery is of historic significance to the Eltham area. The Trust was established in 1858 and has administered and maintained the cemetery from that date right up to the present.

Among the more noteworthy graves is that of Sir William Irvine, a former State Premier and Chief Justice of Victoria.

Eltham Cemetery is surrounded on three sides by urban development. Montsalvat Artists Colony adjoins the remaining (eastern) side.

A Joint Select Committee of Parliament called the “Mortuary Industry and Cemeteries Administration Committee" (MICA) enquired into the land requirements at the Eltham Cemetery in 1986.

The MICA recommendations contained in its 1986 report are included in the Appendices attached to this report.

Although the recommendations have not been adopted by the Government it is interesting to note that the MICA report recommended the use of the bulk of the land for cemetery purpose.

In June of 1987, the Cemetery Trust was expanded to include additional members from the Eltham Community by the Minister for Health. At the same time, he instructed the Trust to resolve the land requirement issues.

As a result of this Ministerial direction, Tract Consultants has been instructed by the Eltham Cemetery Trust to prepare a report addressing the issues raised in the Minister's letter (see Appendix 1) to the Trust. Principally, the study will examine options available for development of the Cemetery. These options will explore possible boundaries, cemetery design, vegetation, the overall environment, landscaping and financial planning for the Cemetery operations.

Appendix 2 details the Cemetery Trusts Terms of Reference for the Study.

Before commencing the study in detail, additional basic information was sought; viz:
a) sub-soil and rock analysis; and
b) feature survey by a Licensed Surveyor.

The results from both exercises are included as appendices to this report. Section three includes a summary of the findings along with other analytical results.

Eltham Cemetery - planning bewteen 1859 to 1860; research by Alan Sheehan April 2015, collated by Harry Gilham, EDHS, April 2016 (2 pages)
PROV Guide 5: Cemetery Records (8 pages), printed 7 May 2014


Development of Eltham Cemetery

Physical description

A4 photocopy with highlight notations (37 pages) and two informational background documents (10 pages)