Certificate, Fellow to Royal Australian Institute of Architects, 1958

Historical information

In 1958 Robin Boyd was elected a Fellow of the The Royal Australian Institute of Architects.

Physical description

Certificate from The Royal Australian Institute of Architects, with common seal, stating that Robin Boyd has been elected Fellow on 27th June 1958. It is signed by the President, Wilfred Thomas Haslam, and Hon. Secretary, Allan E Stafford. Certificate is registered No 2008. There are pin marks at each of the corners.

Inscriptions & markings

The Royal Australian Institute of Architects. This is to certify that Robin Gerard Penleigh Boyd of Melbourne, Victoria has been elected Fellow of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects, founded in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Nine (1929) as The Australian Institute of Architects, and incorporated in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty as Royal Australian Institute of Architects for the Advancement, Protection, and Elevation of Architecture. In Witness whereof the Common Seal has been hereunto affixed as required under the Articles of Association this Twenty-seventh day of June, 1958. Signed by the President and Hon Secretary.

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