Administrative record - Text, 72nd Annual Report 1965 - 1966 Braille Library of Victoria, 1966

Historical information

Articles include the production of Christmas cards for purchase, a visit by the Chief Secretary Hon. A. Rylah who advised that the Free Library Scheme was for municipal councils and that instead a State Library Council (which was being formed) would be a better source of relief, offers of help to contact potential overseas suppliers for electronic and braille equipment, the organisation of the Reservoir auxiliary, establishment of a Machines Committee to look at mechanized forms of Braille production and the possibility of entering into talking book production, improvements to heating, cooking and lighting, needing to use discretion when hiring hall due to an unfortunate incident, donations of Perkins Braillers, brailling of Decimal conversion charts, agreement in prinicipal to a National Braille Reference Library in Canberra, and purchase of Perkins and Stainsby Braillers to improve output of Braille books.

Physical description

32 pages of text with drawings

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