Historical information

Articles include the production of Christmas cards using a drawing by Lady Casey, death of Captain Semmens who was a member of many sub-committees, relocation of library, cupboard to be built in kitchen and Mr Skaftouros continues to be an excellent hirer, Bird and Bottle restaurant raised money with a special dinner and entertainment night, some difficulties with Stainsby and Perkins Braillers have been overcome, thermoform machine is on order, tape recorder/talking book project still under consideration, Tellatouch machine has been received and will be evaluated, loss of Mrs Simpson who was the leader in the Honour Roll this year, St Paul's School are assisting with binding books for students, resignation of Mrs Weir and appointment of Mrs Hearn as Librarian, revision of policy to only teach Braille to adults and first junior student taken on in Geelong, potential of more auxiliaries being established and need to increase income from Hall requires suggestions from the public.

Physical description

32 pages of text with drawings