Photograph, Hans Gregory, Original 1860s William West house, Fabbro's Farm, Falkiner Street, Eltham, c.1990

Historical information

Photos taken by Hans Gregory who along with partner Pauline Steele, rented the original old 1860s William West Cottage situated behind the Fabbro family home. Hans was employed as a Youth officer with the Shire of Eltham at the time and was the last tennant on the property. The property was sold and in 1995 was developed for residential housing as the Riverview Park estate.

Guido Quarto Fabbro was born 21 August 1891 at Treppo Grande in the far northeast of Italy, the son of Giacomo Fabbro and Anna Geruzzi.

Regina Moretti was born 6 March 1893 at Treppo Grande, Italy, the daughter of Giovanni Battista Moretti and Maria Teresa Coletti.

Guido and Regina married about 1917 and they had two sons, Giacomo (John c.1918) and Maurie (c.1920).

In 1925 Guido Fabbro departed his homeland from Genoa, arriving in Fremantle, Western Australia in June, travelling 3rd class aboard the ship, Caprera. Regina and their two boys followed a year later along with other family members arriving in Fremantle from Genoa 4 July 1926 aboard the Moncalieri.

The Fabbros arrived in Eltham in 1933 and purchased a block of land from William West on the western side of Falkiner Street, extending to Ely and Porter Streets which had formerly been part of the West family orchard and dairy farm. As there was no fencing dividing the two properties, West served notice on Guido in December 1934 to bear half of the cost of £6. When payment was not forthcoming, West sued Guido in the Eltham Court in January 1935. Guido failed to appear and was not represented, and costs were ordered in West’s favour.

Guido and Regina built a large Italianesque house on their property. The original 1860s cottage was relocated to the back of the block and was rented out (once to Alistair and Margot Knox). Guido also purchased land extending to the Diamond Creek on the eastern side of Falkiner Street and on the eastern side of Bell Street (opposite Eltham High School). The riparian soil was suitable for market gardening: Guido grew mainly tomatoes, but also pumpkins, cauliflowers, cabbages, peas, beans, lettuce, beetroot and zucchinis. Even the land surrounding the house was used. The produce was carted to Melbourne overnight for sale at the market.

Guido died in 1970 and is buried in Eltham cemetery. Regina died 1986. She and their son John Patrick (Giacomo) Fabbro who died in 1984 are also buried at Eltham Cemetery.

Guido’s son Maurie continued in his father’s footsteps until 2007, principally growing artichokes in later years. He died in 2009.

The land on the eastern side of Falkiner Street now forms part of a Council reserve called “Barak Bushland”, the land on the western side having been sold off for residential subdivision. The Bell Street land is now public open space managed by Nillumbik Shire Council and called “Fabbro Fields”. There have been recent proposals to develop the site for sporting purposes or as a dog park or community garden.


Provides an insight into early settler's farmhouses and farming property of the Eltham district.

Physical description

Digital file only
Scanned from negative on loan

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