Historical information

The sulphur crested cockatoo (scientific name Cacatua galerita) is a large white parrot with dark grey-black bill, a distinctive sulphur-yellow crest and a yellow wash on the underside of the wings. Sexes are similar, although the female can be separated at close range by its red-brown eye (darker brown in the male). Sulphur-crested Cockatoos are found in a variety of timbered habitats and are common around human settlements. The birds stay in the same area all year round. (http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/species/Cacatua-galerita, accessed 12/06/2014)

Physical description

Two Sulphur-crested cockatoos on the window ledge of the Geoffrey Blainey Research Centre at Federation University Australia. Numerous birds visit 'dance' along the window ledge including cockatiels, Magpie Larks, Crows and Rosellas.