Plant specimen (sub-item) - Black and White, The Family ‘pets’ in 1936. Ken Heims and Mr. Walter Heims
Poster - Beige Card Series of display poster of photographs, About 1995
Poster - Beige Card Series of display poster of photographs, About 1995
- Photograph (item) - School Photo – Wonga Park, 1952
- Photograph (sub-item) - Back to School reunion, 1927
- Photograph (sub-item) - School photo, 1931, with Mr. D.C. McCann, teacher, and Miss Peters, Sewing Mistress
- Photograph (sub-item) - School Photo – 1912
- Photograph (sub-item) - A Wonga Park picnic and school reunion, 1931
- Photograph (sub-item) - The first Wonga Park School, opened on November 6th, 1895. A fire destroyed this building in 1911
- Photograph (sub-item) - Wonga Park Primary School, February, 1931
- Photograph (sub-item) - The new Wonga Park School, occupied on March 11th, 1912
- Photograph (sub-item) - Early view of Wonga Park Primary School (date unknown), but probably around the 1930’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Photo commemorating a school tree planting ceremony in 1957 by two long-serving school councillors, Mr. A.J. Upton and Mrs. V.E. Burch. This plaque now hangs in the main school entrance hall
- Photograph (sub-item) - Pupils opposite school on Dudley Road, 1912. From left, Les Read, Nell Read, Alice Knee, ‘Fat’ St. John
- Plan (sub-item) - Plan re moving State School to corner of Yarra and Brysons Roads
- Plan (sub-item) - Samuel Painter’s first home – early 1890’s. He is on the right of the photo
- Photograph (sub-item) - Mr. G. C. Burch’s original home which he built in 1888 on arrival in Wonga Park from Melbourne [1888 is dubious]
- Photograph (sub-item) - ‘Forest Gate’, first part built in 1890s, substantially enlarged prior to 1910. Now known as ‘White Lodge’, still stands today (1895) in Yarra Road, but parts have since been rebuilt and altered
- Photograph (sub-item) - The Yarra Brae homestead in 1940, which was burnt down in the early 1970’s. A ripple iron house
- Photograph (sub-item) - The Yarra Brae homestead in 1940, which was burnt down in the early 1970’s. A ripple iron house
- Photograph (sub-item) - Mr. J.C. Burch’s home in 1931
- Photograph (sub-item) - The Green House on the corner of Jumping Creek Road and Hartley Road in the early 1900’s, which was used as tea rooms by Mrs. Florence Sharpe
- Photograph (sub-item) - Mr. Edward Hughes’ home, ‘The Oaks’, in Hartley Road, Wonga Park in 1933
- Photograph (sub-item) - ‘Stane Brae’ homestead, destroyed by the 1962 bushfire
- Photograph (sub-item) - The ‘Wonga Park Homestead’ in 1984. Although renovated in the 1940’s, part of the original ripple-iron structure remains at the back of the house
- Photograph (sub-item) - Yarra Brae homestead, date unknown, probably in the 1960’s. [It would appear to be the Buruma family standing on the front steps.]
- Photograph (sub-item) - Map of original land settlement in 1890’s – known as ‘the Eight Hour Pioneer village Settlememt’, the square mile around the Wonga Park Store today (red square)
- Photograph (sub-item) - The Wonga Park Community Cottage, 1984, originally built by Alan Bickford in 1950 for his family, owned by the Shire of Lillydale since 1978
- Photograph (sub-item) - ‘Stocks barns’ in 1984. The dairy has since been destroyed by fire
- Photograph (sub-item) - The new addition to the Heims’ family home – about 1930. Picture shows a Preston councillor – Councillor Hemborough
- Photograph (sub-item) - The Heims’ family home, about 1933, with Mr. Van der Sluys in foreground
- Photograph (sub-item) - At the swimming hole in the 1930’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Certificate recording a winner at Wonga Park’s Easter Show in 1932 – Mrs. Heims for a ‘plain cake’! This show was an annual event for many years in Wonga Park. Certificate in original colour
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Wonga Park Parents’ and Mothers’ Club at the annual school picnic (somewhere near Frankston) – The photo includes Mr. A.J. Upton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Hogarth, Mrs. Menthe, Mr. Heims (white coat), c1933
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Wonga Park Easter Show woodchop event in about 1932
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Ken Heims with an Alsation puppy which cost Five Pounds to register in the 1930’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Wonga Park Easter Show Married Ladies’ Race - about 1932
- Plant specimen (sub-item) - Black and White, The Family ‘pets’ in 1936. Ken Heims and Mr. Walter Heims
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, An orchardist’s family during the 1930’s. Mr. Walter Heims and son, Harry, sitting on front door step made of sleepers and slats
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, ‘Grandpa’ on his orchard – 1930’s. Mr. Van der Sluys on Heims’ property
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, A family gathering in Wonga Park – 1930’s. Heims Family?
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Coniglio family on their property in Homestead Road in about 1935
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Three Wonga Park ‘lads’. From left – ‘Bill’ (a friend), Ken and Harry Heims
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Heims family, Walter, Ken and Harry on their property facing Lilydale about 1936
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Van der Sluys and Heims family
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The cedar train carriage used by Arthur Davis as his kiosk and store in the late 1940’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, View down Jumping Creek Road towards Lilydale in 1940’s with ‘Old Post Office’ on left. Still standing in 1985, but is now part of a private home
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Wonga Park Kiosk and General Store in 1948. Pictured outside the store from left, Mr. James Fulford, Mr. David Fulford, Mr. Harry Williamson
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Mr. Marshall’s Post Office and Store in 1931
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Another view of Wonga Park Post Office about 1950. Crosses in photo mark from left, ‘Art’, ‘Edna’ and ‘Vicie the dog’
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Kiosk/Store in Wonga Park about 1948, owned by Mr. Arthur Davis. This view is from the intersection of Yarra and Jumping Creek Roads
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Arthur Davis even had his own First Day Cover for the Pan-Pacific Jamboree in 1948-9
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Wonga Park Post Office and Telephone Exchange in 1962, owned by Mr. Marshall
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, On horseback about 1931 – Mr. Walter Heims and son, Harry near Brushy Park Road
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, A T-Model Ford in about 1929, at Wonga Park on the Heims’ property. New house materials on ground to right
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, A Chevrolet truck in Toppings Road with the Heims family – c. 1937-8
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Ploughing the orchard in the 1930’s with a single furrow plough. Mr. Ken Heims, aged 12. The motto then was - ‘an acre a day is good ploughing’. c1935
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Transport in 1930’s Wonga Park! Mrs. W. Heims with her father, Mr. Van der Sluys
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, View down Jumping Creek Road, 1921. From left – Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Ronalds on horseback
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Mrs. Sharpe in her horse-drawn cart, 1919, at the corner of Jumping Creek and Hartley Roads
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, View over the East Camp site at Wonga Park for Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree in 1948-9
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, A view up the Yarra River from Wonga Park in the 1940’s. [Scouts on Mount Lofty looking upstream] ??
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The entrance to the Pan-Pacific Jamboree in 1948-9, at Clifford Park, now called ‘Yarra Brae’ in 1985
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The plan of the 1955-6 Jamboree at Clifford Park, Wonga Park
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The wet conditions at the 1955-6 Jamboree
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The ‘visitors’ to the 1955-6 Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Commercial preparation by locals for Scout Jamboree in 1948 and 1955?
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Rowallan Hall, 1984, built for the Scouts by voluntary labour on Yarra Brae, the site of both Pan-Pacific Jamborees in 1948 and 1955, and of the 1961 World Rover Moot. Now the Scout movement owns this hall and surrounding land
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Wonga Park ‘swimming pool’ in the Yarra River, 1940’s – now in Jumping Creek Reserve (1985) [This may be the swimming pool in Jumping Creek Reserve or may be the swimming pool in Clifford Park in use in the 1948-9 Pan-Pacific Jamboree]
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Yarra Brae’ homestead, probably during the ‘sixties’
- Plan (sub-item) - Black and White, Map of “Yarra Brae”, site of Scout Jamboree and World Rover Moot
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Viewing the camp from across the river at the 1948 Jamboree
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Cleaning out the dam on Heims’ property in 1930’s – view up hill towards Jumping Creek Road
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, A Chevrolet truck loaded with export apples in about 1936
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Cherry picking in Wonga Park in 1930’s. Mr. and Mrs. Van der Sluys, Mr. W. Heims and sons on property. Cherries were taken to the Victoria Market on the T-Model Ford
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Heims family packing fruit before the Apple and Pear Board took control in 1939
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Fruit picking in 1930’s on Heims family orchard
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Picking fruit in 1930’s by a Heims' lad
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Getting ready for spraying the orchard in early 1930’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Heims family picking fruit on their property near corner of Toppings and Homestead Roads in 1930’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Councillor H.N. Read showing the wonderful growth of a three-year old cherry tree in 1931
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Fruit spraying on Heims’ property, c. 1934
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Ploughing the orchard – from left – Norm Whales, Wally Heims and Frank Stephenson on Heims’ orchard c. 1928-9
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Mr. A.J. Upton picking Jonathon apples in 1931 from a 30-year-old tree planted by the late Mr. Launder
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Sitting on fruit boxes with our puppies. Ken Heims (right) and Jo Coniglio – c. 1935
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Read family orchard around 1930, which was situated on the corner of Yarra and Toppings Road. The old home still stands in Yarra Road in 1985
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, An early view of the first Wonga Park Hall, built in 1912
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, A Wonga Park orchard in 1931. Picture published in ‘The Leader’, February 28th, 1931
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Honour Roll to Wonga Park residents who served and or died in the First World War. This was donated by the first Mr. Stocks, and hangs in the Wonga Park Hall today
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, ‘Horseshoe Bend’ on the Yarra River at Wonga Park, in 1929
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, An early view of the bridge over Jumping Creek – date unknown
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, St. Marks Church of England, 1931
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Wonga Park Hall, 1926, after the new alterations
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, A view towards Lilydale from Wonga Park in about 1933. Young Harry Heims with his dog. Mr. Stephenson’s home is in the background
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Looking across Yarra River from ‘Yarra Brae’, 1940
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Valley on ‘Yarra Brae’, 1940
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Mr. Ken Heims with a baby calf in early 1930’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Horse and cart in 1930’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The remains of the Ammunition Store on Stane Brae, 1984. During World War II soldiers were trained here. Mr. Fred Renton on left
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, ‘Training the family pet’ – looking towards Lilydale from Brushy Creek Road in 1930’s. Heims
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The remains of the illegal whisky still operated in the late 1800’s by gold miners. Photo taken in 1984
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Another recent view of the old Ammunition Store in 1984
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Wonga Park Hall in 1931, a photo from ‘The Leader’ newspaper
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, On the road to Wonga Park, Mr. J.E. Hooper’s house and orchard, 1931, as seen from Jumping Creek Road, now the site of Hooper’s Road
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Mrs. A. Philpotts at Stane Brae in 1943, when her property was used as a R.A.A.F. base
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, Looking over the Heims’ property towards Mt. Dandenong from Jumping Creek Road in the mid 1930’s
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, A view of the Yarra River from Wonga Park in 1929. [Mt Lofty in background, house is Mr. Witton’s ‘Crooning Waters’ at the confluence of Brushy Creek and Yarra River and what was to become Witton’s Reserve to the right
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, View of the cross-roads at Dudley and Jumping Creek Roads in 1948. The redbox tree is in front of the car in Dudley Road (still standing in 1985). [The tree has snice died but a high stump remains.)
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The junction of the Yarra River with Watson’s Creek, on ‘Yarra Brae’ northern boundary in 1940
- Photograph (sub-item) - Black and White, The Dandenongs from Wonga Park