Artwork, other - Stained glass window, George H. Dancey, Nativity - In memory of Linda Reid Kerferd, 1958
Memorial to Linda Reid Kerferd
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Linda Reid Kerferd (born 1875) was a long time member of the Harbour Lights Guild. She died 23 July 1957. Daughter of George B. Kerferd and Ann Martindale.
The window was taken from an old cartoon drawn up by George H. Dancey and adapted for the opening with a new background.
Physical description
Arch stained glass window depicting the birth of Jesus with a text in memory of Linda Kerferd
Inscriptions & markings
In memory of Linda Reid Kerferd A much loved member of the H.L.G. for many years Died 23.7.52 This window is the gift of members of her family 1958