Historical information

Reports on a significant rear on collision between two Z class trams, Z3 171 and another in Mt Alexander Road at Thorn Street Essendon. Gives details of the event. Story by Graeme Walker and Innes Willox and Age photographer Craig Abraham.

In The Age, there is a second item about the rearrangement of Transport Departments - V-line, The Met into the Public Transport Corporation and the formation of the Roads Corporation from the Road Construction Authority and the Road Traffic Authority. Quotes Mr Kennan, Minister, Mr Brown Opposition spokesman and Peter Parkinson of Trades Hall. Item written by John Masanauskas.


Yields information about an accident rear on in Mt Alexander Road Essendon and transport management rearrangements.

Physical description

Set of two newspaper clippings;
1 - "Trams crash, 31 hurt" - The Sun 7-2-1989
2 - "A painful end to tram journey" and "Left-wing wins in transport merger" - The Age 7-2-1989