Physical description

This book consists of 275 pages including photos and a map, as well as an extensive bibliography. The cover depicts a soldier and his family and a country town streetscape on the back.


This publication covers common issues of life in Australia during World War 1, such as recruitment, fundraising, conscription, homecomings and the construction of memorials. However it is unique in that these aspects of war are examined through a focus on rural communities in North Eastern Victoria. The first chapter describes the region and its towns at the outbreak of war, then discusses the fracturing impact of war on different groups within these communities. It paints an interesting social history at a critical time in Australia's development. John Quilton is a native of North Eastern Victoria, having been born in Yackandandah and educated in Tangambalanga and Wodonga. He was a senior member of the Bicentennial History Project at the University of New South Wales, and head of the History and Politics Program at the University of Wollongong.