Historical information

This note book contains details of the men who worked, mainly as casual labourers, at the farm Boughton at Cassady's Bridge near Warrnambool. The dates are from 1859 to 1872. The names of the workers and their wages and transactions have been recorded by either William Cassady or a foreman. The entries are notable for the original creative spelling and the lack of information on the names of the workers, often referred to by their first name or a nick name. William Cassady (1824-1885) purchased Boughton in 1846 and he and his wife, Elizabeth had fourteen children.


This note book is of considerable significance because it is an early record of the property Boughton and its workers

Physical description

This is a note book with a metal fastener, and a cloth cover with a green mottled pattern inside. The pages have printed red lines and black hand writing. The cover is stained and partly detached from the binding.