Document - TELEGRAMS

Historical information

1. Telegram sent by Ron Morrell on safe arrival in Singapore 1942 after transiting from UK.
2. Telegram sent by Ron Morrell after release as POW on arrival in India, transiting home to parents in UK.
Ron Morrell - 1/5 Sherwood Foresters, 18th Div No. 4985826. Refer Cat 316, 305P.

Physical description

1. Telegram to home on safe arrival in Singapore. On yellow paper with Cable & Wireless Limited letterhead.
2. Telegram to home on safe arrival in India at end of war. Stamp with date. Faded yellow paper.

Inscriptions & markings

1. Cable & Wireless Ltd letterhead & passed by Censor stamp. Addressed to parents saying "Well & Safe".
2. Cable & Wireless Ltd letterhead. date stamp of 9 Sep 1945 and stamp of "X2465".


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