Historical information

Robert George Lunn VX76842 enlisted on 27.2.1942 age 35 years, 5.3 1942 transfer to Engineer Training Echuca, 12.4.1942 transfer to 2nd Field Sqd, 27.6.1942 transfer to No 4 Bomb Disposal Coy, 3.9.1942 transfer to No 2 Bomb Disposal Coy, 18.2.1943 transfer to Engineer Training Centre RAE, 18.8.1943 transfer to 5th Aust Advance Reinforcements Depot Townsville, 11.11.1943 embark for Pt Moresby, 19.11.1943 taken on strength 2/9th Field Coy, 4.6.1944 embark from Lae to Brisbane, 11.8.1944 hospital with Malaria28.8.1944 rejoin unit, 20.9.1944 hospital (unclear), 27.9.1944 rejoin unit, 23.5.1945 embark for Morotai, 7.8.1945 promoted to Cpl, 12.8.1945 fly from Balikpapan to Aust to attend a Junior leaders school Aust Army, 22.8.1945 arrive Vic and attend school, 29.8.1945 attend RAE Training Centre NSW, 31.10.1945 Move to Vic for discharge, 7.11.1945 discharged from the 2nd AIF.

Physical description

Wood framed item with photo, ID tags, medals x 4, RAS badge, RSL badge, all items are set in panels within the frame, panel with text at bottom.
1. 1939 - 45 Star.
2. Pacific Star.
3. British War medal 1939 - 45.
4. Australian Service Medal 1939 - 45.

Inscriptions & markings

"VX76842 Lance Corporal Robert George Lunn, 2/9 Australian Field Company Australian Imperial Force, 27 February 1942 - 7 November 1945"