Historical information

A map of the area in Victoria which is the land of the Taungurung Clan.


A map of the area in Victoria which is the land of the Taungurung Clan.
Taungurung Land and Waters Council (TLaWC) was registered 16 July 2009 as the Registered Aboriginal Party that represents the interests of the Taungurung people. TLaWC is the corporate representative and ‘face’ of the Taungurung people and serves to uphold their interests with respect to culture and country.
The Taungurung people occupy much of central Victoria. Their country encompasses the area between the upper reaches of the Goulburn River and its tributaries north of the Dividing Range. From the Campaspe River to Kilmore in the West, eastwards to Mount Beauty, from Benalla in the north down to the top of the Great Dividing Range, their boundaries with other Aboriginal tribes are respected in accordance with traditional laws.