Work on paper - Book - deposits register, Dept. of Forestry, Victoria

Historical information

This Register has many inscriptions for Forestry activities in the Orbost region, such as Sleeper Cutting Licenses and other licensed activities such as Wattle Bark Stripping, Saw Mills, Logging Licenses, Sleeper Off-cuts. It contains the names of people involved in these activities, the amounts of money they paid to the Forestry, and dates. This Register appears to start in 1919 and end in 1978.


An excellent resource for research into the forestry industry in the Orbost district since this Register contains the names of men who paid license fees to the Forestry Dept. to allow them to work in the forests in various activities such as sleeper cutting, wattle bark cutting, saw mills, logging.

Physical description

A hard cover ledger, dark blue/black cover with red binding. The words DEPOSITS REGISTER are printed on the front cover and also on the binding. The ledger's pages are ruled in red for DEPOSITS and REFUNDS.

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